Sonneratia apetala Buch
Small to medium tree, upto 15 m high,
crown large deliquiscent branching
Branches or twigs pendulous or drooping
Bark thin,light brown, irregularly fissured
Pneumatophores conspicuous, upto 1.55
m high with secondary thickening and upto 3.0 cm diam. arising from long
spreading horizontal roots, spreading around upto 15 m from the base of
the trunk
Aerial breathing pneumatophores are hard,
corky and scally outer surface
Leaves opposite decussate, exstipulate,
simple, cauline, petiolate
Petiole 0.5 cm long, pulvinous, glabrous,
lamina narrow, gradually tapering towards the apex.
Inflorescnece terminal cyme; mostly
3-flowered or 7 flowered dichasial cyme, from the axil of the branches
Flowers ebracteate, pedicellate
Pedicel 2 cm long, terete glabrous, greenish,
erect 1.2 cm - 2.5 cm long and 1.5 cm - 3.0 cm diam. in case of open flower.
Flowers apetalous, cream coloured, arranged
in axillary 3-flowered of 7 flowered dichasial cyme.
Flower regular, actinomorphic, bisexual,
Sepals 4, gamosepalous, persistent, imbricate,
cup shaped, elliptic entire
Stamens many or indefinite, free, filament
1 cm long, terete, white. glabours, dorsifixed, indefinite, exerted, anther
bilobed, filament, 0.1 cm long
Ovary dumbel shaped, inferior, 6 chambered,
numerous ovules in each chamber, with axile placentation
Style 1, terminal, glabrous, white, 2
cm - 3 cm long, curved, stigma 1, falttened like umbrella or mushroom,
upper portion reddish
Fruit depressed, globose berry, arranged
on the flattened persistent calyx plate.
Seeds 4 - 7 per fruit, brown in clour,
triangular ridged, 1.5 cm long